Staff, Mediators and Managment Committee

Mediation Yorkshire is a registered charity. Our services are delivered by both paid staff and volunteers.

Our Mediators
Our Mediators are local people from all different walks of life who have been trained in mediation and conflict handling skills. They are impartial and neutral and aim to encourage neighbours to communicate, find common ground and a way forward. Our Mediators do not negotiate with or advise parties but enable them to communicate with one another. Our Mediators abide by a strict confidentiality code and do not make details public unless the parties concerned give joint consent.

Our Staff
The office is staffed by a team of four part time staff. Most of our staff are trained mediators and will be able to advise you if your case is suitable for mediation. They will also be able to advise if funding might be available for your case.

Our Management Committee
The Management Committee is made up of volunteers from a number of different backgrounds. The Management Committee meet every 6 weeks and help to provide strategic direction for the organisation. The Management Committee currently comprises of representatives from the voluntary and community sector, local business, the legal sector as well as a qualified accountant.